On hearing the name of the chicken, the mouth gets watery. You must have tried various dishes like Chicken Gravy, Fried Chicken, or Roasted Chicken. But have you tried boiled chicken? Now you must be thinking about how good boiled chicken can be tasty. Of course, the boiled chicken may seem a little less tasty but it has very low-calorie content. That is, it is a better option for obese people. Talking about other chicken dishes, the amount of calories and fat is increased by the things falling in them. According to nutritionist Aditi Rampal, boiled chicken is much better because it contains little amount of calories and fat.
Apparently you have not added anything else to it, so calories are less in it. 100 grams of chicken contains about 120 calories and only 1.4 fats. If you want to make boiled chicken a little tastier, you can add some fresh spices and vegetables to it.
- Chicken
- Hot water
- Heat the water in a saucepan and reduce the heat to medium. Now add chicken to it. Keep the amount of water you want to boil.
- After this, let the chicken boil on medium heat.

Also Read - 10 Super Foods to Keep Liver and Lungs Healthy and CleanIs light fried chicken equally healthy? ? You might be thinking that lightly fried chicken is a healthy dish. But to make chicken, you need to add some fat to it so that it does not stick. So before frying the chicken in the pan, you can remove the fat part from it. Also avoid adding butter and cream to it. If you don't want to get too many calories and your chicken is a bit crispy, you can first fry them lightly on a stove or on medium heat and cook in the oven afterward.