- Walk as much as possible at home or office. On your way to the office, get down a little before your bus stop, walk from there to the office. Go up the stairs instead of the lift. Diners can also take a short walk after a break.
- During breaks, get up from your seat for a few minutes every hour and do stretching. This will stretch your shoulder, neck and back muscles. Blood flow is reduced by muscle tension. Stretching increases blood flow and muscle tension. This will also help you sleep during the day.
- By doing yoga, you will be active at night and will be able to sleep well during the day.
- When you are feeling sleepy, you start eating unhealthy things in a hurry, so it is better to accompany yourself to Carry raw vegetables and hummus or almonds and raisins in tiffin.
- Eating too heavy at dinner can make you feel tired throughout the night, so instead of overeating, eat something once in a while. Do not eat too late, the rest of the body system can deteriorate.
- When the night shift is over, do not take too much liquid, when you sleep in the morning, going to the bathroom again and again can worsen sleep.
- Drink about 8 glasses of water a day, so that your digestive system is better.
- Take less caffeine, replace them with juice, water and milk.

- Dr. Prashant Mittal, Founder of Lung Care and Sleep Center says that do not change your shift frequently, it affects your body clock. is.
- Doctor Prashant says if you work in night shift then come back in the morning wearing sunglasses. This will protect you from activating the internal day time clock from the rays of the sun.