5 Tips that will help You Stay out of 'Friend Zone'!!
Mar 17, 2021
Crush does not make the journey from a love partner easy. Sometimes due to your small mistake, you either become a friendzone or you lose the friendship of the person in front of you. In every person's life, There are certain secrets that he cannot share with everyone. To share these secrets, we choose some special people in our life, whom we can trust without hesitation. Friends and love partners usually fall in this category.Also Read: 12 Most Widely Seen and Common Reasons for DivorceDespite the similarity between friendship and love, there are some differences. That is why we usually need both. It is often seen that when you have a crush on a person, you start with friendship. But many times you give so much time to propose to your crush fewer friends that they make you a friend zone. This situation is more common with boys. So today we are telling you 5 such mistakes, due to which your crush makes you a friend zone.
Don't be in a hurry to speak up
When you have a crush on someone, you want to tell them your feeling on the go. But many times you do this work so quickly that the person in front may feel bad or strange. It is better to tell your feeling by speaking, that by your small habits you can make them realize that they are important to you. In this way, a slowly ripening mystery relationship gives both people a chance to get to know each other, which increases the chances of it becoming successful.
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Do not do predictable actions
If you have not known your crush for a long time, but your entry in their life has happened recently, then always keep in mind that you do not do predictable things. Surprise always makes the person in front of you think. So keep doing something that your crush does not expect at that moment. This will get their attention and they will think of you.
Do not enter personal life too much
Many people do not like to talk to new people about their personal lives. Every person needs personal space according to his / her nature. So do not interfere in your crush's personal life. First, understand them and guess to what extent they are comfortable in telling about themselves. Then proceed with your conversation accordingly.
Many times people are so much in front of the front for a relationship that their actions seem to be lewd and awkward. So you have to set your own limit. Never reveal in front of your crush that their love is the only motive in your life. For this, you can make them feel that you like them, but you also have other people's friendship options.
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Avoid becoming the best friend Forever
Some people take so long to propose a crush that they have to be satisfied by being the best friend forever. Therefore, without doing any cheap action, slowly make your place and propose at the right time. Otherwise, be prepared to be a BFF.