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5 Things which shows that you are 'Very Special' for them.

Feb 15, 2021


5 Things which shows that you are 'Very Special' for them.

Many times, for those whom you consider your friend, you may be more important than just a friend, because you can be their crush. Read these 5 easy tips to know how to overcome the confusion between love and friendship.

Image result for friendship and love
Friendship and love, these two are relationships, which involve familiarity and dedication to each other. Despite being different, it is sometimes very difficult to understand the difference between these two. There are many such occasions in the friendship of boys and girls, they feel that their best friend likes them or considers them different and special. Actually many times some people are so hesitant in expressing their love, they are not able to openly speak in front of you. But their little things tell the secret that you are more crush than their friend. Let us tell you 5 such things, which can be easily guessed by seeing that you are 'Samvan Special' for your friend.

Helping you out of your comfort zone

However, very good friends often come out of their comfort zone and help you. But only after new friendships, if your friends come first and foremost to help you every time, then it can be a sign that they have a crush on you. Actually you leave your comfort for someone only when you really care about them or the person in front is very needy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06SVzqzAdyw Also Read: 13 Tips to help you in Dating Older Women

Trying to be around you

If one of your friends keeps searching for excuses to be around you and becomes very happy with your presence, then it is possible that he has fallen in love with you. Actually, such people are afraid to express any situation, they prevent them from expressing love to you. But they are not able to stop the waves rising in their mind in front of you.

Finding opportunities to talk to you

Such cases may be a little confusing, but there is a lot of chance that if a friend talks to you, chatting, messaging for a long time only after a new friendship, it means Is that he likes you. In today's busy life, if a person is ready for your message 12-14 hours out of 24 days, then it should be considered as love. Image result for friendship or love Also Read: 4 Most Effective Online Flirting Tips

Obey everything you say

It is rarely seen in a friendship that a friend can say yes to everything you say. If a friend is doing this, it may mean that he likes you and is doing so to get your attention. Actually, when we are in love with someone, then we feel right about him even if he does not want to. But the funny thing is that this happens only as long as you have their crush. The same things can start going wrong as soon as they come into relation.

Taking interest in your personal things

After a new friendship, if a person is taking a lot of interest in your personal life, then it can also be an indication that he likes you. Especially in the new friendship of boys and girls, it can be considered normal that they want to know everything about each other's personal life, so that they can find the right space in your life for themselves.

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