5 Signs that Show Your Partner Does Not want a Commited Relationship
Feb 03, 2021

There is always a time in every relationship when you want a commitment from your partner. But if you start feeling this, then how will you know whether your partner needs more time or whether he wants to stay with you or not. There is always a time in every relationship when you want a commitment from your partner.

Identify these 5 signs your partner does not want to commit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB4kKhGAergYou started taking interest in other works
When the initial eagerness of a new relationship begins to color, the strength of the relationship begins to wane. However, if your partner stops making promises over the phone, does not show interest in moving around, or does different things, then it is a sign that your partner is not ready to commit to you. Also Read: 3 Important Tips to maintain the right Balance between Love and Career.Talk about being happy alone
If he tells you that he was happy in single then take it seriously. In fact, when a person is bored with a relationship, he talks about the relationship of others whether it is good to be alone or something else. When your partner talks in front of you, then you understand that his / her gesture is on the other side and try to get out of the relationship before you break your heart.