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7 Questions Men should ask Women. Women are attracted by these & Relationships Become Strong.

Feb 07, 2021


7 Questions Men should ask Women. Women are attracted by these & Relationships Become Strong.

Questions are not always bad in relationships. The questions asked by targeting your partner can put your relationship in danger. But questions related to a partner's desire and choice etc. strengthen your relationship. Let's know about some such questions that can help in making your relationship strong.

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How can I help you?

Your work is finished and you have some free time. So why not share your partner's hand. Very few people consider this aspect of the relationship. You can ask your partner how you can help in his work. Make coffee for him today. Or help him in cleaning utensils or cleaning the house. Image result for attract women

How do I express love?

Most couples rely more on saying 'I love you' than showing love. But are these three words enough to express love alone? No. Show your love for the person you love. Maybe your partner also wants you to touch him with love instead of three words, kiss someone early in the morning or listen to them so that your partner knows how much you love him.

What changes do you want them to make?

Knowingly or unknowingly, at times your partner feels uncomfortable with your antics. But he should not hesitate to tell you about it at all. In such a situation, this question from the partner helps you a lot about what he wants to change in you. This way you will avoid doing anything that makes the partner feel bad or uncomfortable. Also Read: 3 Gifts That Will Impress Girlfriends On First Date

Where would you like to go?

You may not be in the position in which you can take your partner on an international tour. But why should this affect your love? Take them to the nearby shopping mall, garden or any other place. If you take care of their choice, then you can become a perfect bonding between the two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFAbno3-Nis

How does it feel to be with me?

This question will make your partner think about how much he has enjoyed being in a relationship with you. This kind of interaction can bring you both closer and make your relationship stronger.

What should I do to deepen love?

This question may silent your partner for a moment. But if there is a good bond between you two, then your partner will definitely say something that will deepen the love between you both.

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Read More: 5 Reasons why Girls Like Funny Guys.

What to do that has never been done?

This idea can make both of you very excited. You can play this with these different ideas until both of you reach the right conclusion. Try something that brings you and your partner closer.

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