5 things You Should not Consume Before Sleeping at Night
May 07, 2020

Many states and cities in the country are under lockdown due to the corona virus epidemic. To survive this epidemic we need to stay home. However, long-term stay at home is increasing many problems, including not having sleep in one night. Even before this disease people were struggling, but due to the lockdown, it has increased further. By the way, the reason for not sleeping at night is due to wrong eating habits. If you have a problem of not sleeping at night, then do not forget to eat these things while sleeping at night-
Don't take soda at all
It is high in caffeine, which causes sleep disturbances. If you also drink soda before bed at night, change this habit. In addition, it is also high in sugar, which is harmful for health.
Do not eat dark chocolate
Many research has shown that eating dark chocolate is beneficial for health. It contains antioxidants and minerals, which are beneficial in weight loss and pain etc. Despite this, dark chocolate should not be eaten before sleeping at night. This increases the heart rate, which disrupts sleep. It also contains caffeine, which causes no sleep.
Do not consume sugar
The main source of energy, but sugar should not be consumed in the food items before sleeping at night. This brings excitement in the body, causing sleep to disappear. If you want to eat snacks before bed at night then eat fresh fruits and nuts.
Say no to alcohol
Over two dozen research has shown that alcohol consumption affects sleep. It contains many such elements, which are harmful for health. If you want to sleep well at night, do not drink alcohol at all before sleeping.
Stay away from fatty foods
You should not eat oily food and junk food before sleeping at night, because it does not digest very soon. This worsens sleep. Digestive systems also require rest. In this case, have a light dinner at night. Have dinner two hours before sleeping at night