Life is boring after breakup? Read these 5 tips, life will change today
Aug 06, 2020

These tips will change your life after the breakup
- If you have done the breakup on your own accord and on your terms, then respect your decision rather than crying or contacting X again. Once you trust yourself, then you will be surprised by the changes that will come in you.
- Most people are depressed after a breakup because now who will they hangout with or who will the trip go with? If you think so, then it is just you. Actually till now you had given priority to your boyfriend or girlfriend only. You always ignored those people who really want to spend time with you. Identify such people and share your time with them.
- After the breakup, people want their friends or those who knew about their relationship to engage their sympathy and speak ill of their partner. Do not try to get this kind of sympathy. Because later people can make fun of you.
- If you have a girlgang or boygang on weekends, then go and party with them. Or you can also go to the Out of Station for a few days.
- Make a list of your favorite things and do one of them everyday for at least 1 month. Like if you like shopping then go shopping, if there is no one with you then there is no problem you go alone. If you like to watch movies, then watch them, like to read, then buy a collection of new books and if you like to take a gift then don't wait for anyone but give yourself a gift everyday.
Do not do this job at all after breakup
- If you have breakup once, do not try to call or message forgetting your X. This will make him feel that you need him and you are very weak.
- Do not leave it alone. If you want, you can also go for a walk or watch movies. This will not bring negative thoughts in his mind.
- Take his brother / sister or cousin in confidence. This will also keep his attention at home.
- Motivate to keep it moving. If needed, get counseling done.
- If someone is determined to take revenge on X after the breakup, along with explaining it, advise X to be careful as well.