2H Fit

Signs and Disadvantages of Codependent Relationship

Jul 10, 2020


Signs and Disadvantages of Codependent Relationship
A codependent relationship is a relationship in which a person is completely dependent on his partner. He presents himself in such a way that he has to depend on his partner for every decision of his life. A codependent relationship is a relationship in which a person is completely dependent on their partner. He presents himself in such a way that he has to depend on his partner for every decision of his life. In the beginning, it all seems very new but when it is time for relation, it all takes the form of suffocation. According to researches, women are more dependent on them than men in a codependent relationship. This relationship takes the form of a person who is willing to compromise his self-esteem as well. In this relationship, the person only takes care of the happiness and priority of the person in front.
Do you also keep doing such small secretions for your partner's happiness? But, if you do not get anything in return, then understand that you are also a victim of a codependent relationship. There are many ways to bring your relationship from the codependent to the ground of equality. Before you improve things, you need to understand what the final codirectional relationship is. Experts say that it is that way of behaving in which you find yourself at a place in which you feel the need for another's consent for your own worth, identity, and existence. One of these traits is that you go beyond limits for someone's happiness and needs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh7JRgYZK2k

Why is the codependent relationship dangerous?

If you want to keep yourself emotionally free, independent, and healthy, then avoid codependent friendships. There are more chances of quarrels, jealousy, and lies. No matter how well you treat them or how much you do for them, they will hold you responsible for every evil of your friendship. This is because their hopes and desires never end. If you want to continue this friendship, then at least do not remain co-dependent. Many people struggle with their own problems and do not want to go out with friends. They like to solve their problems on their own and do not want to give any kind of trouble for their friends. It seems to be okay in the beginning, but slowly you feel negative feelings towards your friends.
There comes a thought in the mind that not coming home or communicating in bad time is like insulting in away. Therefore, you should not do withdraw yourself, but if you share your problems with friends, then you will also know that who is really your true friend and this friendship develops. It is also possible that your friend can give you any help that you need. Although it is okay to avoid co-dependency but it is also important to save your values ​​and do not cross the line. Don't hurt your friend by feeling bad. In such a situation, trust in each other starts to decrease. If you do not want to continue the friendship, then tell it clearly but do not keep anyone in a relaxed mood. If you reject an incoming call and promise to make a call again, then in any way, keep your promise.

Weak people are victims of codependent

Anyone can become codependent. Some research has shown that children whose parents emotionally abuse or ignore them in adolescence are more likely to fall into codependent relationships. Such children can be taught to give up their happiness for the needs of their parents. And then they start to understand the way to get love and protection from difficult or challenging human beings. And it becomes part of their lifestyle.

Feeling of imperfection

When that person is not around you, you become uncomfortable. You do not get satisfaction. No matter how many people are with you. You want to keep searching for him all the time. If he is not close to you, then you start feeling strange and useless. Your behavior also gets weird. You feel incompleteness. Seems like it is not, then there is a lot of deficiency

What is the right advice

Breaking a relationship is no solution. It is better that you try to remove the flaws in your relationship. It is important for everyone to have boundaries. And everyone has the right to seek happiness. And you too have this right. Experts agree that it is important that you sit and talk to your partner. You tell him what problems are happening in your relationship. Discuss with her what shared efforts need to be made to improve the relationship.

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