The importance of transparency in relationships. 5 tips to be considered seriously!!
Jan 12, 2021

There are many situations in life when the question arises in our mind that how much transparency should we take in terms of our relationships? Here we are telling you how and how much transparency we should take when playing relationships.
Married life
The relationship between husband and wife is very delicate. Therefore, while stepping on the threshold of married life, you should be sensitive to your relationship. After marriage, the husband and wife start a new life. Therefore, it is very important to have ease and openness in their relationship. Share everything related to your mind with a life partner. There should be no room for concealment in this relationship because it creates a wall of suspicion between the husband and wife.
How much to tell the children
Although parents have a very smooth relationship with children, the amount of transparency they need to take care of during their upbringing depends on their age. If your children are less than ten years old, then it should be your endeavor not to tell them about family-related problems. Such things have a negative effect on his soft mind. Yes, try your best to have a friendly relationship with your teenage child so that they can openly discuss their problems with you. After adolescence, there is so much maturity in the children that you can not only talk openly with them about the problems related to their daily life but also get advice from them. , If there is any problem in your married life, then try to solve it yourself. Even after maturing, children are highly sensitive to such cases. It hurts them to know that their parents are not in good relations.
Be aware of kinship
Usually, after marriage, when all siblings have settled their homeworld, then it is natural to get some distance in the relationship. Every family has some family secrets. In such a situation, it is not necessary that every small and big thing related to the family should be told to its siblings. Yes, you can share your heartfelt things with your parents, but it is also important to convince them that they should not share your things with other relatives. In this case, it is also necessary to understand that we should not tell the elderly anything which makes them anxious or sad. For example, if your parents live in another city, it is unfair to harass them unnecessarily by telling them about their minor fever or financial problems. Women are responsible for the relationship of two families. They should always keep in mind that there should be no rift between the two families about anything. It is not necessary that every detail of the maiden is told to everyone in the in-laws. Similarly, it is not necessary to inform the family members of the minor debate with any member of the in-laws or husband. Keep in mind that this rule only applies in normal situations. If there is a serious situation like domestic violence, then parents must inform it.