10 Major Tips to Handle Relationship When Life gets Busy!
Feb 08, 2021

Amidst business and emergency, the couple is forgetting their 'me time'. Distances have increased due to the lack of sharing. A little time can save the couple from great danger. It is important to make time for the relationship so that we can become true friends in the way of life. 'You never have time for me', this is the common complaint of couples in this era.

Time difference
Now think about the life of couples from 30-35 years ago. Fewer women were employed then. Long distances and traffic jams did not have to be spent 8–10 hours in the office. The life of that generation was relaxed in this respect. There were not many ambitions and there was no fierce competition, so life was smooth. After sending their husband and children, women used to spend more time in domestic work. Were joint family. Apart from this, there were friends for shopping and talking. But today there are single families. People living in other cities far away from their cities for jobs also do not have that deep social connection. As others are cut off from the relationship, so too do the spouses' expectations from each other. If those expectations are not met, then complaints start increasing.
Listen to the complaints
Lack of time is affecting not only the mutual relationships of couples, but also their relationships with parents, children and others. Relationships do not form or worsen in a day. It is a long process. To keep the feeling of love alive in relationships, it is important to give each other quality time. It is also not right to ignore the partner's complaint. If there is better sharing, most of the difficulties of the relationship can be overcome. Yes, it may be, not everything the partner says can be considered, but his complaint can be heard patiently. So take some time for relationships. This is an investment that will keep the relationship happy in the future.Some Tips for Busy Couples -
- Keep the routine organized. Wake up early in the morning and sleep early at night. Waking up an hour early in the morning can give more time for people to talk and to work. At least get up early instead of sleeping all day on VKend. Spend time with a partner. Walk along, exercise and help in domestic work. Surprise your partner by preparing a nice breakfast on the weekend.
- If there is a single-family, share the responsibilities of each other. If the work load increases on another, there will be frustration within it. One way to spend time together is to cooperate with each other. From time to time, such surveys have been conducted, which say that couples who share each other's hand in domestic work are happier than others.
- Take out a 'couple time' at least one hour a week. Forget work, children's responsibilities and friends and give each other quality time.
- Find excuses for happiness. Remember dates like Birthday, Marriage Anniversary. Small gifts and opportunities are of great importance to keep each other feeling of importance. Plan a surprise dinner date sometime. Go on a picnic or trip somewhere on weekends.
- Couples doing shift jobs need to focus on the relationship. If the husband has a night shift, his wife's responsibilities increase. Spend some time in the morning together. After a night shift, return from the office in the morning and spend some time with your partner instead of sleeping immediately. Domestic tasks are also more frequent in the morning. If there is a shortage of time, keep a helper or learn to leave some work.
- Maintain a sense of friendship in the relationship. Good friends fight and quarrel, forget about mistake and move on. Paly random games, have silly quarrels, sort it out soon and move on. If there is such a relationship between the couples, then the distance comes to end itself.
- The one who listens - he wins. This is proved to be completely true on the marital relationship. Many complaints are also overcome by patiently listening to others.

- Attempts are necessary to ensure that busyness does not affect personal life. Do not let yourself become a machine. Keep small happiness and feelings in life. Lack of time cannot become such a big problem if the intention is to give happiness to the partner.
- Kneeling in the mind can be fatal to the relationship. A little tip is necessary. But the debate should not be turned into endless quarrels, it should also be taken care of.
- If there is generosity, understanding, respect and trust, the relationship will never be complained. Excuses such as work pressure, busyness undermine the foundation of the relationship. Everyone wants to make their dreams come true. It is good to run after dreams, but do not sidestep relationships to achieve them, because they are the relationships that end up together.