Keep these things in mind before going on a date Read more: 5 Master Tricks to Propose a girl. Most likely that she says 'Yes'.- It is only a date, which is neither an important interview nor a question of life and death. So focus on yourself and keep your mind light and fresh to enjoy.
- To confirm the date, call the partner and decide the time and place of visit. Not only does this show that there is no change in the plan, but it also proves that you are eager to meet.
- Both of you should know where you are going to meet because it will reach the right place at one time and will not cause any stray. It is important to arrive on time on the first date and even after that!

- Allow enough time to prepare yourself and improve your appearance. Talk to yourself by taking some time to overcome your shy feelings.
- To make the best of your appearance does not mean wearing very expensive clothes etc. or changing your appearance to a completely new look. Wear gentle looking and comfortable clothes. Do not use makeup and perfumes too much, this reduces your acceptance. Adopt a simple and clopsy look.
- Women should be alert to the place where they are dating and whom they are meeting? Keep the details of your date in the knowledge of a close friend. Keep the phone together and make sure that you meet in a public place and not in a secluded place!
- Carry a gift or other small item for your "date". This shows that you appreciate the feelings of others.
- A good conversation can make and break a date. Think of some topics for the date (do not think about things around the world).
- If you are thinking of using wine or alcohol, do not let it dominate you.

- Do not impose your decisions on each other's views. Respect diversity of views.
- Look into the eyes and do not skimp on smiling. This makes you look attractive and also shows your sociability.
- Do not give all the information about yourself on the first date. Keep the secret and save the interesting things for later days.
- At the conclusion of the date, the man should accompany his female date to reach his home safely.