What is the importance of marriage
Nowadays, before marriage, boys and girls get a chance to talk to each other, which was not available to people before. Therefore, some things should be done openly. This answers the questions and strengthens the foundation of your marriage. You try to ask the partner why he wants to get married and what is the importance of marriage in his life?1- Each other's preferences
You ask them whether they like to stay in single-family or with family after marriage. And if job transfer happens then how should one decide in that case etc.2- Regarding investment and economic condition
Both must talk about each other's investments. How much savings one has and how to invest in the future to complete the gymnasium.
3- Family Planning
Before starting a family, discuss when and how many children she wants with her future partner? And what are their thoughts about the children?4- Life goals
It is very important to have a conversation about each other's goals before marriage. It should be talked about how the family and career will be managed and then both should respect each other's goals.5- Religion and Value
Before marriage, religion, morality, honesty, and personal ideology should also be discussed openly. All these things have a great impact on the children and the life of the future. Problems can occur if there are too many differences in these topics.Health check-up is also necessary
The Madras High Court also said that divorces are increasing on the basis of impotence, and to prevent them, it is necessary to make the medical examination of the bride and groom mandatory before marriage. It is also very important to avoid any kind of disease.What are the secrets of a successful marriage
- The secret to a successful marriage is to really give each other more and more time. If the husband and wife spend time with each other, it helps them to understand each other and their relationship becomes stronger.
- Marriage is not just about physical intimacy but it is necessary for husband and wife to have a cordial feeling towards each other, understanding each other and solving mutual problems.
- Many times husband and wife are not able to create harmony among themselves due to the opposite of each other and having different views. Such things do not get their attention before they are tied in marriage. In such a situation, it is important for both to understand each other while respecting each other's thinking and thoughts.
- Giving importance to each other's work and understanding its importance, showing its partnership in it is also the key to a successful marriage.
- Marriage does not succeed just by carrying out responsibilities but taking each other out, giving some surprise party, doing something that will make your partner happy, and by doing so can make a marriage successful. is.
- The most important aspect of a successful marriage is not to misbehave with your partner in front of a third person but to make them realize their mistake in private.