Comparing relationship with someone makes you weak, Know Why?
Jul 09, 2020

Every person has their own specialty. He remains content in himself until he compares himself to others. Everyone has his or her own specialty. He remains content in himself until he compares himself to others. Comparison is sometimes helpful in personality development but can also be filled with an inferiority complex. Some people start comparing their partner to others in everything. These things often happen to women. As long as the women are happy with their partner, all is well. But as soon as there is a lot of turmoil in her life, she starts comparing her partner with other men. These things directly cause a rift in the relationship. So stay away from this thing.
The Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle have long ago written on the psychology of comparison. A person can be happy and satisfied with himself, but as soon as he compares himself to another, he finds an excuse to be unhappy and dissatisfied. Social scientist Leon Festinger's theory of 'social comparison shows that the feeling of comparison is natural in the individual. This is how he gets to know how good or bad he is.
Healthy competition is good
There are some good grounds for comparison. For example, it may be an achievement for a runner to complete the 200-meter race in 50 seconds, but when he sees that the other runner is covering the same distance in 40 seconds, he realizes that his race is still improving There is scope There is a healthy competitive spirit in comparison, which is good. of comparison
There should be a limit to the comparison. Comparison outside the border increases the burden on the mind that there is something that others have, we do not have. If someone is already lacking in confidence, then comparing him with others will make him suffer from an inferiority complex. It is also true that no matter how successful, capable, wealthy or intellectual, one is always stronger, wealthier, successful, bigger, beautiful, happier, and stronger than anyone else.How to compare
It is said, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. This means that what is visible is more important than what one is seeing. The reality is that the eye of the beholder can only reach the face, height or weight, he cannot know how cool or angry the front is. No person can be a carbon copy of another. In a society where people are expected to do this, only clones will be ready, there is no possibility of creativity or experiments. If you are troubled by the comparison, then take these measures --
- Think that there is no winning in this game. One can realize victory at some point, but in the very next moment, one gets another big, great, or successful.
- Instead of comparison, think of hard work, success and perseverance, and dedication towards the goal. Praise yourself for doing good. This exercise will help in giving a positive direction to the thought process.
- Being comfortable, positive, generous, and helpful towards others leads to good feelings towards oneself, whereas criticism or comparison makes others cruel towards themselves.
- No one is perfect but that does not mean that one is failed or bad. Every person is complete in himself because every person has some of the other characteristics.
- It is not easy to have the spirit and courage to stand out from the crowd. Only such people are able to do this, who do not get caught in unnecessary comparison and such people find something new.