4 Tips to Remember When You Start a New Relationship
Apr 27, 2021
In new love, you are lost in their thoughts all day long and remember their words. It is seen that at such times, boys and girls talk and often say such things without thinking, which affect their relationship. The feeling of love is the most beautiful feeling in this world. When you love someone, it is natural to remember and remember him. But when love is new, then it speaks with a great head. In new love you remain lost in their thoughts throughout the day and remember their words. It is seen that at such times, boys and girls talk and often say such things without thinking, which affects their relationship. Such things not only cause a wrong impression on your partner, but they can sometimes create a wrong opinion about you. Many times your partner is irritated by such things, then the relationship starts to deteriorate before it is fully formed. In such a situation, if love is new, then you should take care of these things.
Most of the questions are related to each other's personal life during conversation in a new relationship. Answer these questions honestly so that your partner can understand you properly. If you tell a lie in something and later your partner comes to know about it then they feel bad. This creates a wrong impression in your heart for them, which will always weaken your relationship. If you honestly say any bad thing about yourself, then it does not have as bad an effect as knowing the same thing from someone else.
Don't even compare in jokes
Many times during the conversation, we start comparing our partner with someone else's partner or our X, in joking or angry. Believe you that they do not like comparing your partner's goods with others' equals even if you are far away from anyone else. In fact, comparing them makes them feel that they are not so important to you as you compare them, and that they feel bad.
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Don't ask for proof of love
Many times in new relationships, we ask for proof of love from our partner on talk. You may get some pleasure from his answer, but this thing irritates him many times. Love is something to feel and therefore it is not logical to ask for evidence for it. If you love, you will feel yourself and if you do not, then nothing will be done with proof.
Love is a feeling of authority. Inspired by this sentiment, many times you start interfering in your partner's personal life and they find it bad. You should avoid such questions that your partner does not like to answer such as where did she go, who did she go with, why was she talking to that boy, show mobile, show message etc.