- While waking up in the morning, try to talk to your partner for some time and help a little in dealing with household chores. This will make your partner and his family members happy as well.
- Instead of sleeping all day on weekend and going shopping, get up early and think about family. Also spend time with your partner. Walk along, exercise and help in domestic work.
- Most girls complain that after marriage their husbands have not been romantic at all. In such a situation, you can also prepare a good breakfast on the weekend and give surprise to the partner.
- If there is a single family, share the responsibilities of each other. If the work load increases on another, there will be frustration within it. One way to spend time together is to cooperate with each other.
- It has also been revealed in many research that the relationship is very healthy by the male handing over his female partner in domestic work. Also, such couples are happier than others.
- The one who listens - he wins. This is proved to be completely true on the marital relationship. Many complaints are also overcome by patiently listening to others.
- Take out 'couple time' at least one hour a week. In this time, you forget about office and housework, children's responsibilities and friends and give each other quality time.