- It is believed that men cheat more than women. No, yes. It's not like that. This is an illusion of people. There is no evidence or any scale that proves that men cheat more than women. The truth is that women cheat more than men too, or rather they say that. Therefore, in case of cheating, do not discredit only the man.
- It takes a lot of thrill and pleasure to develop a relationship with outsiders but these relationships can be distracting. Man wants newness, so he enjoys connecting with new people and it is also natural. Because of this, many women fall in love with other men. Sometimes women take similar steps to teach their older peers a lesson. Some women find love in others when they find themselves neglected by their men. Yes, it is also true that men are quickly attracted to women and get betrayed by their old partner .
- Another widely prevalent myth about cheating is that if love is not established between men and women, they are not cheating on their people. If anyone thinks so, he is a fool. If someone cheats on someone emotionally, it can be worse than sexual cheating. If you cannot take care of your partner's feelings and keep hurting his feelings, what else could be worse for him. It is a bad thing to grieve your partner's heart. When you leave and secretly get along with someone else, you do very bad with your partner. If you hide yourself from your old partner and increase your closeness with another, even if you do not have love with him, it will still be cheating with your old partner because no one knows when the friendship of the two of you will change into another relationship. . If you are growing friendship with someone, then keep informing your old partner about this so that they do not feel insecure.
- The third big myth about cheating is that people cheat because they are unhappy at home, that is, they are not happy at home. An online survey found that 55% of the people who believed that they were completely happy at home and had good relationships with everyone still cheated their people and formed relationships with outsiders. 35% of women also accepted this. Therefore, in the case of fraud, it became clear that it is not necessary that those who are unhappy in their home cheat. If the men knew that they could escape by making this excuse, then they would surely have made the same excuse.
Know why the situation of cheating comes!
Aug 08, 2020