2H Fit

4 Major Lies Spoken By Women on First Date

Jul 02, 2020


4 Major Lies Spoken By Women on First Date
Women also lie on many things like men, especially when they are in a relationship. Whatever she lies on is not easily caught, while the lies of men are easily caught. By the way, Women, like men, lie on many things, especially when they are in a relationship. Whatever she lies on is not easily caught, while the lies of men are easily caught. She makes poor men dizzy with her lies. Women, in particular, often say false words about certain things. By knowing these things, you can easily catch the lie of any of your female friends, and you can also know what is going on in their minds.

Four major lies spoken by women

1. Not ready for a relationship

Women first talk about naming a relationship, if you ask her to give her relationship a place, she will say that she is not ready for this relationship or marriage right now. is. It means that she is testing your patience or she wants to be different from you. One thing to always keep in mind is that if the girl is serious about you, she will never refuse a relationship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y7JA6e3Z8g

2. When it comes to bill

If you have gone out to dinner with your girlfriend, and your girlfriend tells you "I'll do it on the bill, Ist OK", no it is OK at all. Is not. Because even though she is saying this, she expects you to take full care of their needs and also pay the money. Although every girl pays her bill in front of a man, but she always wants that you pay the bill.

3. Saying "I don't mind"

When you are laughing or talking to other girls, they definitely make a difference. Do not even go so far as to say "I don't care" and try not to talk to any other woman in front of them. Not only this, even if you are enjoying seeing a girl in TV, it can be bad for you too.

4. I have not liked any boy till date

If a woman is saying to you that she has not liked a boy till date, then this is usually a lie, because it is so rare that you have to be close to None of the people will ever like it. Especially when you are surrounded by male friends from school, college to office. If she is lying to you then do not force her to tell the truth. Wait for the right time and when her mood is right, sit and talk about it together and try to know if she can quit this habit.

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