Obesity after marriage
There is no doubt that your life changes after marriage. However, some people's body changes. The question of most people on this matter is, why does the weight of people suddenly increase as soon as they get married. According to research, this happens due to a change in their lifestyle.
According to research
According to research, married people buy more organic and trade food than singles. According to Jutta Mata, Assistant Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Basel, a person who has been in a relationship for a long time becomes aware of food. This is why he is also healthier than before. According to another recent research, married people have the highest body mass index in the world. A very interesting thing has been said in the research that during the wedding rituals, their weight increases by about two kilos. The University of Basel and the Max Planck Institute of Human Development have conducted a comparative study of the BMI of couples and singles in association with GFK. Believe the study, married couples eat much better food than single people. While the couples take full care of food and food, their physical labor is almost zero. This is a major reason for their obesity.