What are office spouses?
If you too trust a person of lover in your office, share your most important secrets with them, laugh with them or your office life without them If stopped, understand that you also have an office spouse. Between 12-14 hours of office work pressure, if someone does a shock-absorber for you. He cares for you with emotional support, and it is natural for him to develop attraction towards lover. According to the survey, the number of office spouses is increasing day by day. According to statistics, about 32 percent of working people believe in office spouses. They believe that their opposite in the office is attraction towards the person of love. They believe that they have a special relationship in the office which has a very important place in their life, apart from their personal life. In such relationships, dating, light flirt also makes a place. But psychologists do not agree with this concept as fast as the use of the term office spouse is coming into vogue. Psychologist Sameer Parekh says the use of the term office spouse is wrong in itself. The word spouse refers to commitment. Significantly, here we are not talking about a workplace affair. The basic difference between a workplace affair and an office spouse is that workplace affairs are based on attraction, while office spousal relations are formed by the chemistry between two people.
Office spouse affect personal life
Those scenes of Hindi films used to be very common when the boss's closeness with his secretary increased so much that the office relationship continued to the bedroom. Apparently, the family environment was also affected by such relationships. According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com, office spouses in 20 percent of the households are confused. The closeness with office spouses is sometimes increased to such an extent that your tuning with your real-life partner may fade. Such situations have a big hand in breaking the house. If psychologists believe, there is a need to create scope in relationships. Samir says, it is natural for two people to come close by spending more time together, but it is the responsibility of the person to keep those close to the boundary of the office. It is very important to keep your relationship limited to work. That is, it is very important to create a realm for a balanced life.Also Read -Office Romance Tips for Couples in Same Office
Also dangerous for career
- It is possible that your other colleagues are not as comfortable in the relationship between you and your office spouse and try to harm your work.
- The privacy of a relationship is often seen at work, which can also have a bad effect on your performance.
- If you give preference to your spouses in terms of work, then your cliques can oppose this and be against you.
- If there is a junior-senior hierarchy between you and your spouse, then your image can suffer. In such cases, people often say that by building a personal relationship with the boss, ways of progress are being found.
- It has been observed that women suffer more from these relationships than men. Many times it is transferred from the department and in more bad situations the way out of the company can also be shown.
- You and your office can become the center of the Gossip of Spouse Colleges, which can spoil your working environment.