Hypertension is a silent killer disease, as most people do not have external symptoms. Irregular eating and stress are the main causes of hypertension. This problem can happen to any person, but most such people are suffering from hypertension who live away from their home. Hypertension is called high blood pressure problem. Due to this problem, the blood pressure in the arteries increases significantly. The heart needs more work to maintain blood flow in the arteries.
According to Health Guidelines, 130 / If the blood pressure is more than 80 mmHg, the person becomes a victim of hypertension. High blood pressure (World Hypertension Day 2020) can affect any part of the body at any time, but it most affects the heart.
Main causes of hypertension Hypertension)
- Extreme anger
- Obesity.
- Lack of sleep.
- Excess consumption of nonveg.
- Consumption of oily substances and unhealthy things.
Some common symptoms of Hypertension
- In the case of hypertension, the person initially has pain in the back of the head and neck.
- Due to this problem, the patient has trouble breathing.
- Increased blood pressure makes a person look dull.
- With this, there can also be a problem of passing blood in urine.
- Due to high blood pressure, symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue and lethargy occur.
- Due to high blood pressure, the heartbeat starts to intensify with no sleep at night.
Some postures for controlling hypertension
Bhramari Pranayama
- To do this pranayama, by holding the breath with the middle fingers in the inner side, press it slightly near both sides near the eye at the root of nasal.
- Close both ears properly with the thumb.
- Then make a sound like a bee.
- During this time, exhale the breath.
- Repeat this at least three to four times.
- With this pranayama, problems like high blood pressure, mental stress and heart disease are removed.
- To perform this asana, sit on the ground with knees and hands.
- While in the same position, keep your neck and waist up and down at least ten times.
- Marjarasan strengthens your heart and lung muscles.
- Along with this, regularly doing this asana keeps high blood pressure under control.

- To perform this asana, first lie down on your back. Place your hands next to the body.
- Bend your feet close to the hips while bending your knees.
- Raise the back from the ground so that all the weight of the body comes on your feet and shoulders.
- In this situation stay as long as possible. After this, return to normal.
- On regular practice of Sethubandhasan, blood circulation is done properly. Along with this, stress also ends.
Adhomukh Shavasan
- To perform this asana, first sit in Vajrasana.
- In this, raise the buttocks upward while bending the toes. During this, straighten your knees.
- While doing this asana, your fingers should be spread.
- Remember, your back and arms are aligned.
- While doing this asana, it seems that the body is in the shape of a triangle.
- Practice this asana regularly for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
- This posture brings peace to the mind. By regularly performing this asana, blood circulation in the brain is done correctly.
- Digestion is right and you are relaxed.