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Do you Exercise wearing masks? Know what the experts warned

May 31, 2020


Do you Exercise wearing masks? Know what the experts warned

Exercising with face mask:

An easy and better way to prevent coronavirus prevention tips is to wear a face mask. Going out of the house without wearing a mask can be dangerous for you these days, but if you wear a mask even while jogging and doing rigorous exercises, be careful. Doing so can prove to be dangerous for you. Yes, experts have warned that wearing a mask while jogging or exercising can be harmful for you. This can cause your lungs to burst and Lung Burst. Those who wear exercise mask while exercising have been specifically told not to do so. A report has come out in which the lung has been damaged.

Do not wear masks, strenuous exercises

Actually, the case is of Wuhan in China. A report said that when a person living in Wuhan wore a mask and exercised with a face mask, his lungs suffered significant damage. He was wearing a mask while running. With more physical effort and hard work, his lungs stopped working properly. The person started having difficulty in breathing and his condition became such that he had to undergo surgery. However, later reports will find out His left lung had become 90 percent narrower, causing his heart to rotate to the right side of his body. After this incident, experts have warned not to wear masks while doing physical activities like running, jogging, exercising. It is being told that the person had a lung burst due to running wearing a mask.

What is Pneumothorax

Lung Burst or narrowing can be a serious problem. This is a condition that causes the lungs to deteriorate when air leaks into the space between the lungs and the chest wall. This is a very serious condition that causes accidental injury to the chest. Most often, pneumothorax is caused by certain medical procedures or lung disease. In this condition, there is so much difficulty in breathing that the person suddenly falls.

Dangers and treatment of pneumothorax

Typically, treatment methods use needles or tubes to remove excess air present in the lungs. However, this type of chest trauma is often very severe and risky. Serious complications such as cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, trauma and death can be caused by pneumothorax.

What does the CDC say

Recently, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that when people go out of their homes, their face is well covered with clothing (Exercising with face mask is dangerous). Especially, extreme caution is required in places where it is difficult to stay at least 6 feet away from others. Corona & Vitamin D: Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of death from corona

Take care while exercising

Due to coronavirus people are living in homes. People who used to exercise for hours after going to the gym, are now afraid to go for a walk in the park of their society. But, whenever you do a strenuous physical activity like running, jogging, then avoid wearing mask while exercising. Wearing a mask makes it difficult to breathe freely. Masks are meant to protect yourself from viruses and not to give viruses to others.

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