Asymptomatic Coronavirus:
The coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19 pandemic) is not taking a name. The number of people infected with corona in the country and the world is increasing. The total infected goods in India has been 131,868 and the death toll has so far reached 3867. Everyone is now waiting for a vaccine that can neutralize this corona. Although scientists from all over the world are busy preparing vaccines and medicines, so far no news has come from anywhere, to say that the treatment of corona is now possible. On the other hand, a new study conducted by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that about 35 percent of covid-19 (covid-19) patients are asymptomatic, whose symptoms are not asymptomatic. Meaning they do not show any signs or symptoms (Asymptomatic Coronavirus Symptoms).
Infectious disease specialist Dr. Steve Threlkeld at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis says Unlike the flu, if a person has asymptomatic symptoms, it can be extremely difficult to tell to what extent and how a coronavirus infection can spread. In such a situation it is really important, because you do not know that you are standing next to someone who can infect you.

Therefore, the CDC has People have been suggested to wear masks to protect themselves and others from the virus. In particular, those who have a serious health problem should wear masks and avoid getting out of the house. Elders should also keep this in mind. The immunity power of such people is weak. In this case, the risk of getting infected is quite high.
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Dr. Steve Threlkeld says, "Some people have a lot of viral load, but it's not known. This means that there is a high amount of virus in their lungs and nose. Whenever such people sneeze, cough or spit, people standing nearby are at highest risk of getting infected. People who do this are also unaware that they have a coronavirus, that is, they are asymptomatic Coronavirus Symptoms. And, how much is their viral load intensity. ”
Many prisoners in some of the world's prisons have also been reported to be
corona infected . All of them were asymptomatic, increasing the risk of infection with COVID-19 (COVID-19) infection. Therefore, social distancing, washing hands and other safety measures are extremely important to protect against corona, Threlkald said. Today, asymptomatic people (who do not have symptoms early) have become an important part in increasing the risk of corona, so it is very important to be cautious. This is because you will not know whether you are sitting or standing near someone who is infected with corona and can give you a life-threatening infection.
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