5 Things Women Notices in a Man

#1: "VIRGIN!"
One of women's ultimate insults (especially to anonymous men they don't know) is that you must be a virgin. This cuts to the quick of a man's sexual, romantic prowess. It accuses him of none. And it shows you something many women very much care about: that you are a sexually experienced man. Women will not usually admit this consciously. Though they might say things like, "Well sure, he has to at least have some experience!" But as every reader of Girls Chase knows, women don't like men who are virgins. If you are one, you shouldn't tell her... unless you're both 15 or something. Then, maybe.
Do you have... something to compensate for? Are you packing a micro-dick in those shorts? Why do women care about this so much? While penis size is not really a big deal (cough cough) to many women, it is to some. I covered the full extent of this on my article about small penises. The verdict: while many women only care about your endowment a bit, there are some women who care about it a LOT. Mostly it is the more sexually experienced women who're in search of giant schlong. Women who care about the size of your dong are the same ones accusing you of having a small penis as one of their go-to insults. Many a truth is said in jest. And many a care is betrayed by words.
Another common slight is that she bets you "cum in 3 seconds" or are a "one minute wonder" or other "he can't last in bed" type remarks. A related insult is the "can't get it up" one. Both kinds of insults tie back to the same core theme: that of a man lacking prowess in the bedroom. A man's skill in bed is extremely important to a lot of women. So much so that giving women orgasms during love is one of the surest ways to make them fall completely in love with you... and that discussing topics that display your own sexual prowess (without appearing to be "trying too hard" to make yourself sound proficient) can make it much easier to get a new girl into bed. Some inexperienced women won't care about how good a man is in bed, or indeed be able to judge it.However, once a woman has had a few lovers, she will tend to start forming preferences on a man's bedroom performance. And she begins to care about his staying power and ability to get and maintain an erection more and more.
The gist of this comment is you can't get her, or cannot handle her. In other words, that she is "too much woman" for you. She is out of your league. The obvious thing a woman wants in a man here is that she wants a man who can get someone like her... who can handle her no matter what she is. A man for whom she is eminently 'manageable'. A woman wants to feel like the man is in control, is able to get her, and is able to handle her. This can also be an attainability comment. If a man feels too unattainable for a woman, she will alsotend to write that off as "He just can't handle me." Women, in general, are not attracted to men they feel "couldn't get them" or "couldn't handle them." Or whom they themselves feel they cannot get (which they will reframe as "I don't want him/he couldn't have me.anyway").
Another along these lines is "Has no money" or "Broke-ass man."The accusation here is that you have no money to your name, and are so poor off financially that you need others to support you.In other words, you cannot support yourself, let alone a woman. While women do care about a man's financial stability and independence, and will evaluate you on this, there are ways to spin 'being broke' to one's advantage too. You will especially notice that women who are themselves poor, or come from poor backgrounds, are the ones who care most about a man's poverty.