13 Sad Signs indicate Relationship Will Not Last!!
Feb 03, 2021

Looking for signs a relationship will not last
Real quick, before we get into signs a relationship won’t last, all of these things can be sorted if you and your partner both want to make your relationship healthier. Just because you show these signs, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doomed. At the same time, if you don’t notice these things in your relationship, it doesn’t mean things are perfect. You came looking for this article, and it tells me you may be looking for a way out of your relationship. That alone is a reason it won’t last.
You don’t need to be in a miserable or doomed relationship for it not to work. Just being unhappy or feeling mediocre about it is enough.
Also read: 5 Reasons why Girls Like Funny Guys.
The most obvious signs of a relationship will not last
The signs of a relationship will not last are not sure things. However, they can clue you into the deeper aspects of your relationship so you can decide whether to try harder or cut your losses now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2qCYVP6n7g#1 You spend all your time together.
You might think this sounds like a happy relationship, but couples that ditch plans with friends for each other even up becoming codependent. When you only rely on each other for all your needs, things get really dysfunctional.
#2 You can’t be yourself.
If you feel like your partner judges you, you’ll never truly be happy with them. You’ll question what you say or do around them. It isn’t about hurting their feelings, it’s about you. Being with someone when you can’t be yourself can make you question yourself.
#3 You don’t talk enough.
So the chemistry is there, but you never talk? That’s nice for a fling or if you don’t want an actual relationship, but that isn’t sustainable. If you don’t talk about important things, you’ll never grow together or really be a partnership.
#4 You don’t like or trust their friends.
Who your partner is friends with says a lot about them. The people you surround yourself with influence you. If you don’t like or trust your partner’s friends, what does it say about them? Are they a different person around you versus them? Why don’t you trust them?
#5 You’ve changed for them.
Whether you’ve decided to live in the city when you hate it or kept your hair long because they prefer it, letting them change you on any level can be very unhealthy. Eventually, it will get to you because you could lose yourself in the relationship.

#6 You’re not equals.
A relationship needs to have respect. You must respect each other. Each of your opinions should be taken into account for big decisions. If your partner talks down to you or ignores what you have to say, things are wildly unbalanced and that won’t work for long.
#7 You want to fix them.
You adore your boo. They are funny and charming and great in bed. But they never text back, cancel plans last minute, and leave you waiting around. These are behaviors you cannot change. All the things you love about them and all the good times will not change them. You cannot fix someone who doesn’t want to be fixed.
#8 One or both of you are hung up on the past.
Still not over an ex? Are they letting their past relationship dictate how yours goes? That will not work. Say their ex cheated on them. Now they feel the need to control everything you do and have to know where you are at all times. That is not okay. Or maybe you never quite got over your ex. If you’re considering reaching out, you’re not fully invested.
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#9 Jealousy is taking over.
Everyone gets jealous once in a while. Maybe you’re jealous of their friends or their job or their cute coworker. That is okay. As long as you communicate it, and are reassured. But, if you are letting your jealousy occupy your relationship, things will go south quickly. Remember in Friends when Ross was jealous of Rachel’s coworker Mark and the time she was spending at work? That didn’t work out too well for him, did it?

#10 You don’t trust each other.
Trust is so important in a relationship. It is what keeps you coming back to each other at the end of a hard day or after an argument. It is what makes your relationship add to your life instead of taking from it. Without it, a relationship is dysfunctional, unhealthy, and unlikely to last.
#11 You’re embarrassed by them or their behavior.
This isn’t about being embarrassed by their poor dance moves, but of them as a person. Maybe you think they don’t make enough money or aren’t smart enough. These things will not go away with time.
#12 You’re holding back.
If you feel like you can’t share how you feel whether it’s positive or negative, that most likely won’t get better. When you feel like you can’t speak up with the person you’re in a relationship with it will only get worse.
#13 You never compromise.
Whether it is you or your partner who isn’t willing to meet halfway, never doing that could cause a real rift between you two. Maybe you could switch who picks what’s for dinner or what movie to watch or whose family to spend the holidays with. If you decide to spend the holidays apart or watch separate movies and continue on that path, it will tear you apart rather than bring you together.