10 Revealing Signs: Know when your relationship is not working.
Jan 25, 2021

Starting a relationship is easier than ending one. When it comes to understanding how to know when a relationship isn’t working, it’s never easy. Listen, before you look looking to understand how to know when a relationship isn’t working out or trying to read the ominous signs, I don’t want to freak you out and have you think that a fight here and there means you need to break up with your partner.

Also Read: 6 Things that will tell you the depth of your Love.For example, when it comes to my partner and me, we have conflict, but it’s always geared towards our future and moving forward. If there was a time where we’re just arguing without a goal or reason, then we would have to look at what’s going on and why we’re really fighting. So, it’s time you took a good look at your relationship and decided if it’s working for you or not.
How to know when a relationship isn’t working – The signs you need to look out for

#1 There’s no compromise.
We love to say this word when describing healthy relationships, but when you look at your own situation, compromising hasn’t been practiced between you and your partner. You cave in and do everything they want to do and they never the option of compromising to make both you and them happy. When compromising doesn’t exist in a relationship, well, it’s not a relationship.#2 You just feel bad all the time.
When was the last time you felt genuine joy and happiness in your relationship? If this is going to be your partner, you should be feeling good around them. Of course, there will be phases where you won’t feel good; maybe you’re going through a personal struggle. But your partner should be there to show you the light at the end of the tunnel and give you the love and support you need. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AXUUB7P4lE#4 Where’s the intimacy?
Of course, there are going to be phases where you won’t be as sexual with your partner, that’s normal. But if there’s no intimacy at all, then you have a serious problem. If your partner is no longer intimate with you and doesn’t want to work on this problem, then this relationship isn’t working out for you.
You two aren’t fighting, but you’re not talking either. It seems like you two are just existing next to each other. Being with a partner means there’s a deeper connection between you two. But if there’s simply no communication or mindless fighting, you need to see what’s going on.
#6 You or your partner isn’t being honest.
Well, this is a big one. If you’re finding your partner is hiding things from you or lying to you, then the relationship isn’t working. You cannot have a healthy relationship if either partner is lying or hiding things from one another. Honesty is the foundation of a healthy relationship.#7 You no longer show empathy.
When your partner had a bad day, in the past, you would show empathy and do something nice to cheer them up. But you no longer show or feel empathy towards your partner. You don’t want to understand what they’re feeling or connect with them. That’s a sign it’s over.
#8 You or your partner use the silent treatment.
Ah, yes. The silent treatment. What are we? Four-years-old? This is never an effective way to communicate with your partner and is a form of control, which will evolve into abuse. If this tactic is being used in your relationship by either you or your partner, this is highly toxic and will only damage your relationship. If you cannot evolve from using the silent treatment, then the relationship won’t work.Also read: Outdoor Dating: Bored with simple dating, the Outdoor is the best to do
#9 You two always correct each other.
We’ve all encountered someone who’s a self-proclaimed “grammar police,” and it’s always annoying. So, you can imagine the effect of correcting your partner has on their emotional and mental health. It makes people feel stupid and frankly, small.
#10 Your emotional needs are not being met.
If you’re still how to know when a relationship isn’t working out on an emotional level, ask yourself how you feel on the inside. Are your emotional needs being met? When you’re next to them, do you feel even lonelier and sadder? If you’ve talked to your partner and yet you’re still not feeling satisfied, this isn’t a good sign.