How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date: 3 Steps Every Man Should Know
May 03, 2021

Step 1: Prepare Yourself to Handle Rejection
Every man wants to be a part of something society has done for generations and generations. It’s called mating. It feels good, and it’s rather special.However, just imagine asking a girl out and being rejected. You are essentially being told that “No, you can’t be a part of this.” It’s a major blow to the ego to be rejected by society like that.
Though, young men aren’t the only ones feeling hurt over it. The truth is, there’s a lot of older gentlemen who have ended marriages of ten to twenty years and beyond going through the same thing. One moment they were moving right along with society, and the next, they are back to square one without a wife. Read More: 5 Factors to Help You Decide the Type of Person You Should Be Dating. In another light, even businessmen get laid off from time to time. Their bosses remove them from the working world. With no income, being a part of society is tough and, at times, impossible. Regardless, a few things are true on how to overcome and handle rejection:Step 2: It starts with your emotional bank account
Gentlemen with low self-esteem can’t handle being rejected by two women in a row. For them, one rejection is bad enough! If they were at war, these guys would give up after scraping their knee on a rock. When you have a large emotional bank account in life, there are no limits to your ability. You can ask twenty girls out and get rejected by them all. However, you know the 21st girl you ask out will save yes, so you keep moving forward despite your previous failures. In reality, most men today simply don’t have it in them to do that. One rejection rocks their entire world. They hinge their entire self-worth on one moment and one woman. Instead of accepting it and moving on, it plagues their minds as they over analyze what just happened.Now, if you want to boost up your emotional bank account, you must start believing in yourself and your ability. Think as if there were no limits! You must be willing to fail and do so naturally. It is ALL a part of your path towards success. Rejection will stop feeling painful the moment you stop letting it determine who you are as a man.
Be sure of both your words and actions. Start trusting yourself and your ability to accomplish whatever it is you want. Don’t let your past failures, background, etc. continue to drain your emotional bank account. All of these things will only drag you down until you are finally able to accept them and move forward.Step 3: What to Say When Asking a Girl Out
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When it comes to what you say, there’s only one way that ends in failure: By not saying anything at all! It doesn’t matter if you only say she’s beautiful. Or if you say that you like her silver heart necklace, because it reminds you of one similar to what your father gave your mother for Christmas. Now, there’s a reason pickup lines don’t always work-they don’t come from the heart. When most men spout those out of their mouths, they don’t truly mean what they say. There’s no conviction in their words. They can’t sell it. Women can smell fake a mile away like they can with a knock off handbag. The truth is women appreciate honesty. They want a man with balls. The kind of balls to say whatever is on your mind because you wholeheartedly believe it. When you communicate REAL things, you get her engaged, interested, and the conversation will usually unfold for hours right in front of you. It’s simple! Just remember, even if what you say is real, there will be women out there who will give you the cold shoulder from time to time. They don’t want to talk to you, nor do they want to give you any love or respect. It happens! Forget about her and move on.If you’re not worthy of her time, she’s not worthy of yours! Period. Don’t obsess over it mentally.
If you’re still unsure of what to say, don’t be. Use your eyes and be present. Take note of your surroundings and take note of her. For practice, grab a notebook, sit at the park for an hour and jot down everything you see: the color of the leaves, what people were wearing, what you overheard, or any small detail of interest. After a day, you’ll start to notice all sorts of little props from your surroundings in which you can use to start a conversation.