How to Make Your Hookup Miss You and Start Craving For You Again
Jun 12, 2020

#1 Give them some space. When we like someone, we make the mistake of smothering them. And when you smother them, they run the other way. So, if you want to know how to make a hookup miss you, give them some space and time for them to think about it. If you’re suffocating them, the only thing they think about is how to get you away from them.
#2 Don’t give them what they want. A hookup wants love. This is basically the entire reason why hookup relationships exist. Of course, this doesn’t mean you cut them off completely, but you don’t need to give them what they want the minute they ask for it. It’s your body; you be in control of it. They can handle a ‘no.’
#3 You’re not just a hot body. This is important. If you want your hookup to miss you, they need to understand you’re more than just a hot bod. You have a personality, a soul. They should understand that. For them to see this, you should let your personality shine and show off the best of you.
#4 Keep living your life. Don’t make your life revolve around them. I made this mistake, and it’s not worth it. You have your own life outside of this relationship, so go and live it. This isn’t a serious relationship *at least not yet*, so make it be something more than it is.

#5 Leave on a high note. You don’t need to spend the night after a round of amazing love. Instead, I recommend leaving on a high note. Yup! This will make them crave you even more. Plus, they’re not able to get seconds. So, after rocking their world, go home or tell them it’s time to go home.
#6 Make a real connection. When you hook up, spend some time talking with each other. Get to know each other outside of just having love. There’s nothing wrong with texting each other outside of the bedroom, either. But make sure it’s not one-sided.