How To Make A Girl Obsessed With You? 10 Tips based on Scietific and Logical Findings
Feb 26, 2021

Unfortunately, there isn’t a guidebook or one simple secret that attracts girls, but there are a few more common tips that will send you in the right direction.
*If you are nice, this will put you in a good place but if you’re too nice, you just might wind up in the dreaded friend zone.*
Here are both logical and scientific findings to give you the best of the best when it comes to drawing women into your world and wanting more.

A great spot to take a girl to impress her is an amusement park. Science says you will seem more attractive to her if you take her for a ride on a roller coaster. There’s just something romantic about getting your emotions all charged up and throwing your hands up literally to fate.
Beware – If you are already to the physical stage with this girl, then taking her on a roller coaster isn’t going to change her perception of you.
There are relationship experts that say you should always play hard to get. Others believe that’s just a waste of time.
So let’s have a look at what science says.
Scientific studies say you should play a little hard to get because it does make women want you more. What you are looking to do is find that perfect balance so that you don’t deter her but still leave enough unsaid to make her interested.
To add to this, if you can keep a girl in the dark just enough that she doesn’t truly know how you feel about her, then the balls totally in your court.
Find your balance and don’t be afraid of a little mystery. Read More: 5 Tips to Help Increase the Intimacy in your Relationship3 – RELAX AND DON’T STRESS
Stress kills everything so it’s important that you chill if you are trying to make a girl obsessed with you. Research shows women in general are attracted more to relaxed calm men.
Work on handling yourself better in stressful situations so that you appear calm even if you’re not. On top of that, girls like a man that has a relaxed look on his face and isn’t smiling 24/7.
Work on that and you’re setting yourself up for success with the women.
I’m not going to argue this one because science says that women like a man with nice white straight teeth. Makes sense, don’t you think?
This doesn’t mean you have to look like a toothpaste commercial model. But if you take care of your teeth, you’re showing her that you care about your appearance and you’ve got healthy hygiene habits.
Yellow crooked teeth just aren’t that kissable and kissing is important when a gal is obsessed with you.

Ever wonder why the dorky guy ends up with the beautiful woman? The main reason is likely because he makes her laugh and laughter is the best medicine.
There isn’t any scientific evidence for this one but the proof is in the pudding. It’s just nice to be around people that will make you crack a smile.
It feels good to relax and laugh and when you are with someone that can relieve the tension by simply telling a good joke, then you’ve got a man that’s worth a second glance.
Just don’t take this too far because if you do, you’ll seem fake and this will send the girl running for the hills.
So make sure you practice your funny but understand there is a time and place.
If you are a man that believes beards and mustaches are in, then you are barking up the wrong tree if you are looking to attract the girls.
Most girls just don’t like the beard thing.
But don’t get too down because having a day or two of skipping the shaving is the route to go. An Australian study shows that women in general prefer some stubble over a beard or completely smooth complexion.
Just something minor for you to think about if you really want to drive the girls crazy.

It’s true, looks aren’t everything but they are important. If you think wearing ripped shorts and a stained t-shirt with a 30 year-old baseball cap is going to attract girls, you better think again.
Now don’t go crazy here because you don’t have to get dressed up all the time either. But it is nice to see you putting a little bit of effort into your look from time to time.
Scientific studies show that women respond better to men of authority and this includes dressing nice. And don’t kid yourself because a fitted suit is just plain sexy if you’re willing to go the extra mile!
This one goes without saying. However, in our crazy tech world of less and less human interaction, this pointer might be harder to nail.
So many people hide behind their computers and phones that it’s often difficult for people to have an intelligent conversation.
It’s definitely more difficult for people to express themselves. And if you don’t know how to talk and at least text efficiently, you’re going to put a wedge between yourself and women.
Girls have and always will prefer a man that has intelligence and knows how to hold a conversation. Yes, the bad boy will always be loved too. But if you want the longer term door left open, you better get smart fast.

If you are serious about learning how to make a girl obsessed with you, then you need to have drive and goals. Tossing in a little passion is never a bad thing.
Women like a man that knows where he is going in life and isn’t afraid to step out of his comfort zone to reach his goals. A man with vision is going to capture the attention of girls and if you are easy going, yet dedicated and work hard to achieve your goals, the girls will come.
Think back to the basics where men were the providers and women were the ones raising the children and taking care of the house. This principle remains true today because if you can’t show a woman at least on some level that you can be responsible and accomplished, then you aren’t going to make any girl obsessed with you.
Girls like a boy that shows he’s thinking about her. If a girl happens to love the opera and you get her ticket to one, then you’re showing her you are thoughtful and kind. A man that shows up to the door with flowers just because and he even brings her favourite kind, he’s showing the girl that he is listening and simply enjoys seeing her smile.
That’s just magical any way you look at it.