Why Do Girls Play Games & Test Guys in the Early Stages of Dating?
Jun 13, 2020

Why do we do this?
Because half the time we have no idea what is going through our partner’s mind, or the person we’re attempting to date, and we want to try and get a specific type of reaction. Now, I will admit one thing. The games we play often backfire. You see, you can’t control the way someone is going to think or react. When asking why do girls play games, you’ll see that the most common game we play is the silent treatment. We assume that by being quiet and ignoring you, you’ll come running and ask us what is wrong. Most of the time this doesn’t work, but that doesn’t stop us trying!Let’s be honest – Why do girls play games in dating and relationships?
You might not have realized this, but everyone in dating and relationships plays games to some degree, but it might be that you don’t actually notice you’re doing it. In order to try and figure out what is going on, we attempt to get attention via gamesmanship. I’ll be the first to hold my hands up at how ridiculous it all is. Surely if we really want to know something or say something we should just vocalize it and find out first hand. By playing games, we’re attempting to manipulate the situation and that’s never a good idea. Despite that, we continue to do it. I continue to do it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB0qQspqeHw So, is game playing the right thing to do? Absolutely not! By explaining why do girls play games, I’m not attempting to legitimize it in any way. I do it, and I’m not proud to admit it. My friends do it, my sister does it, pretty much everyone I know does it. It’s because it comes so easily to us. When we’re not getting the reaction we want, sure we try and push things in our direction. Is it just girls? No! Guys play games too! If you’re a guy, how many times have you ghosted a girl simply to try and get her to come running? Have you tired the “treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen” routine? That’s a game in itself, and it’s just as cruel and annoying as the games which girls play. We’re all guilty of game playing, it’s just that girls get called out on it so much more because we’re considered to be manipulating a situation to our own liking. Surely that’s what a guy does when he tries to make a girl jealous or doesn’t return her calls, only to come running when he hears that she might have met someone new?