How to Tell If She’s Playing Mind Games & Doesn’t Care About You
Jun 15, 2020

One day she’s all over you; the next day, she looks at you as if you don’t exist. What’s up with that? Here’s how to tell if she’s playing mind games. When it comes to playing games, both men and women are guilty of doing it. And these games, though it may seem fun for the person in control, is extremely harmful. These mind games have the ability to damage people who are looking for love and connection emotionally.
#1 You feel something isn’t right. You have intuition, don’t assume it’s a quality only women have. We’re animals, after all. When you’re with her, you feel something isn’t right. And that’s something you need to pay attention to. When your gut is sending you warning signs, take those feelings, and examine them. What’s giving you that vibe?
#2 It’s hot and cold. You never know what you’re going to get with her, and that’s partially why you’re attracted to her. One minute she’s hot, the next minute she’s cold. This is a classic mind game that sucks us in easily. But, this isn’t something you want to explore. She’s trying to control and play with your emotions by acting hot and cold.
#3 She ignores your texts. We all get busy, but when we like someone, we take a minute to send them a text. If she’s taking hours to text you back or ignores your texts completely, this is a sign she’s playing you. And if she behaves like this, she isn’t worth your time. Move on to someone who is interested in you.
#4 She flirts with other people in front of you. When you two are at a bar or club, she doesn’t waste any time flirting with other people. Aside from it being degrading towards you, it also shows her immaturity. She’s trying to get you jealous and shows that you’re just a toy for her.
#5 You make all the first moves. She never texts you first or asks you to hang out; everything is dumped on you. Some women believe the man should always make the first move at first, but at some point, it needs to become mutual. If you’re the only one investing in the relationship, you need to ask yourself whether she wants to be with you or not.
#6 She acts like she doesn’t care. Well, this is an easy one; it’s because she doesn’t care. When you’re around her, she’s indifferent, making you work even harder for her attention. But that’s all a part of the game. While you’re chasing her around, trying to please her, she’s getting exactly what she wants.
#7 She’s sweet when she needs something. And that’s the only time she’s sweet towards you. She’ll have no problem calling or texting you when she needs you to do something for her. And once you do what she wants, she’ll distract you with your reward and then go back to her old ways. Of course, you keep going back for more.