14 Funny Things to Text a Girl & Win Her Heart with Your Funny Bone
Jun 15, 2020

Women say they love mysterious men, and though it may be true, the mystery doesn’t last forever. Women end up going for the guy who makes them laugh. Because, sure, the mystery is exciting, but it fades when you get to know the person. What really sticks around is personality, especially one that knows all the right kind of funny things to text a girl.
Let’s make her laugh… or at least smirk with these funny things to text a girl.
#1 Do you feel guilty about global warming? Because your hotness is melting the world. Someone should take the blame.
#2 I’m sorry I acted awkward when I first saw you. I guess I’m suffering from seeing too much beauty. Now, that’s a pretty great compliment to give to someone.
#3 Are you gonna kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary? Aww, you have a diary?
#4 Was that an earthquake or did you just shake my world? You need to make sure you shake a little bit.
#5I’m addicted to ‘Yes’, and I’m allergic to ‘No.’ So, what’s it gonna be? I guess she only has one choice.
#6 Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I pass by you again? Let’s see if she blushes hearing this line.
#7 I’m not a professional, but I’m pretty sure we would look amazing together in a photo. With a face like hers, how could a photo of you not look good?
#8 I think I need CPR after seeing your face. The moment you saw her, you lost your breath.
#9 My job is secure. No one else wants it. Make her giggle by poking fun at yourself.
#10 Do you have a Band-Aid? I hurt my knee falling for you. An old classic that will get a couple of eye rolls, but also a smile.
#11 You better direct that beauty to somewhere else or else I’ll lose my mind. Can beauty make someone insane?
#12 My phone isn’t working well, can you put your number in it? Maybe it’ll start working then. Ohhh, well, it’s cheesy, but it’s cute.
#13 I’m sorry I wasn’t part of your past, can I make it up by being in your future? It’s time to plan ahead, baby.
#14 Seriously? It’s got to be illegal to look that good. If only it was a crime.