Limerence vs Love – The 5 big differences you MUST know
Jun 15, 2020

When it comes to understanding limerence vs love, it’s very important to know the difference between the two, as complicated as it may seem. Or else you may end up investing yourself in a relationship that actually isn’t based on love.That’s not a relationship you want to be in, at least, when you think it’s a loving one. We don’t really spend time talking about love and limerence, yet, it’s a really important topic to discuss. Not only will it help you understand your current relationship, but it will also help you process your past relationships and get you to understand what a healthy and loving relationship is really about.
Limerence vs Love – The 5 big differences you MUST know is it for you?
#3 You feel you can’t live without them. When you’re in love, you feel that you don’t want to live without this person. But when it’s limerence, you feel that you can’t live without them. And there’s a huge difference between the two. The thought of not having them next to you gives you feelings of anxiety and unbearable pain for the possible loss of their affection and attention.
#4 Your relationship isn’t fully developed. Limerence usually occurs in the initial stages of a new relationship or even if a relationship is nonexistent. This happens before you actually get to know the person for who they are. Instead, you’re living in a fantasy, while you’re daydreaming about your future with them or picture who you want them to be.#5 Limerence is emotional dependency. When your limerent object of affection is not having a good day, you don’t have a good day. If they withdraw from you, you become depressed and feel a sense of hopelessness. Your emotional state depends solely on how this person feels. It’s almost as if you’re addicted to them; this is limerence.