Is She Flirting with Me or Not? Look For these Quick Signs to Read Her Mind
Jun 16, 2020

Flirting is a way of putting your hand half in the “do they/don’t they” mix, without actually going all in. So, if it crashes and burns, you can shrug your shoulders and say you’re just being friendly.
Clever, right?
By being half in and half out, you’re actually not giving the person you’re flirting with a clear signal. They might be confused about whether you’re flirting or being friendly. As a result, you might not make a move in fear of being wrong about the whole thing.
Is she flirting with me? Women flirt far more subtly than men do, in my opinion. With a guy, you can normally tell that he’s attempting to get onto your good side, but a woman? She half expects you to guess what she’s trying to tell you.By no means am I being insulting here. I say this because I’m a woman and that’s what I do! So, answering the whether she is flirting with you or not can be hard. The good news is that there are a few clues that point to whether you have a flirty kitten in your midst, or a girl who’s just friendly. If you’re not sure if you’re dealing with flirtation or friendliness, look out for the following signs. However, don’t jump in feet first if you notice just one sign. Stop and figure out if there are two or more: #1 She looks at you, smiles, and looks away. Basically, this is an invitation to talk to her. She’s silently trying to invite you to! It’s the single most obvious ‘is she flirting with me’ yes sign. If she’s not flirting with you, then it means she’s flirting with someone standing behind you! #2 She makes excuses to be around you. If she’s around you more often than she normally would be, or she’s there when there’s no actual reason for her to be there, it’s because she’s choosing to be. #3 She touches you casually. Does she casually nudge you or touch your arm? Women don’t do this unless they want to touch the person in front of them. She wants to touch you because she likes you! #4 She licks her lips or bites her lip. She’s majorly flirting if she does this! Is she flirting with me? Yes, she is! It’s an even bigger yes if you notice that she is looking at you, smiling, then looking away. Lips are sensual. If she is biting her lip or licking her lips and looking at you shows that she’s probably not thinking completely pure thoughts! #5 She mirrors your body language. We all do this if we like someone. It’s a subconscious thing that we do without even realizing it. If you notice that she is mirroring your body language, e.g. if you’re learning casually against the wall and she starts to do it too, it shows that she’s comfortable with you. But it’s also a sign that she likes you. #6 She plays with her hair. If she’s playfully messing with her hair while talking to you, she’s nervous and also flirting with you. Now, I am a woman and I do this, but I can’t tell you why. Again, perhaps it’s subconscious and something we do when we’re a little nervy, or perhaps trying to say “look at my hair, it’s so shiny.” Who knows, but it’s a surefire flirtation sign.