Signs She’s Flirting with You at Work: Should You Flirt Back?
Jun 16, 2020

Work isn’t the right place to mistake a crush. You might think you see signs she’s flirting with you at work. She’s actually looking at the person behind you. Maybe she’s simply being friendly. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to get that wrong?
Watch for these signs she’s flirting with you at work
#1 She greets you every morning without fail. Okay, so this one could simply be friendliness. But if you’re the only one she pays this kind of special attention to, you could certainly be in there! This could also mean that she’s looking for you every morning.
#2 She always asks about your weekend or what you did that evening. It could very well be that she’s trying to figure out whether you spent your down time with someone special, or whether you are single! She will also be trying to figure out where you regularly spend your time. Don’t be surprised if she ‘accidentally’ turns up!
#3 She tells you about her weekend and evening. By doing this, she is subtly letting you know that she doesn’t have a partner and that while she’s living it up with friends, she would very much like you to join her! This is also a way of her letting you know where she is going to be during her downtime.
#4 She always tries to get the seat next to you. Do you have a hot desking arrangement at work? If so, you might find she’s always trying to bag the desk next to yours! Equally, if you find yourself perched next to her in the meeting room on a regular basis, that’s a great sign she’s flirting with you at work!
#5 She always offers to help and collaborate. If she is always offering to team up and collaborate on projects, or offers to work with you in general, that could be a great sign. Of course, make sure she is doing it regularly, and not just once! On the flip side, she could mix it up on occasion and collaborate with someone else, regularly giving you glances and probably trying to make you jealous!
#6 She compliments you on changes to your appearance. Got some new glasses and she notices? Had a haircut and you instantly get a compliment? If she is always noticing small changes to your appearance, she’s certainly looking closely and wants you to know that she appreciates these changes greatly.
#7 She’s always telling you about things happening outside work. If she is regularly telling you about a show that’s happening over the weekend, a new bar that’s opening, or a restaurant she really wants to try, have you ever thought she’s trying to get you to ask her out? This is one of those big signs she’s flirting with you at work. Feel the same? Take her up on her not so subtle hints.