How to Spot the Signs of Low Self-Esteem in a Girl & Support Her
Jun 16, 2020

When a girl has low self-esteem, it prevents her from enjoying life. Low self-esteem can play a huge role in one’s mental and physical health and can come to the point where she may try to hurt herself. Now, this doesn’t mean it’s always going to head for the worst. But it’s important that you know what the signs of low self-esteem in a girl are and prepare yourself to be a great partner in your relationship.
#1 She’s guarded. Even if you’ve dated her for some time, she’s still not fully opening up to you. She may have witnessed a nasty divorce between her parents and she’s not able to fully trust her partner, regardless of what you do. If you feel that she’s constantly on guard, that’s because she has low self-esteem and is afraid to be abandoned.
#2 She’s always testing you. In the beginning, when you’re dating, it’s normal for people to test each other in specific situations. But when you’re in a relationship you shouldn’t have to test your partner.
#3 She’s always apologizing. Apologizing isn’t really one of the big signs of low self-esteem in a girl. But it depends on the reasons why. Even if it’s not her fault, do you hear her apologize for someone else’s behavior? Why? Well, if she’s constantly apologizing for things that don’t even need an apology, this is because she has low self-esteem.
#4 She does things she doesn’t like. Naturally, when we’re in a relationship, there are things that we do because our partner would like to do it. Do we like it? No, but we do it because of them and that’s okay. But she will do things that she really doesn’t want to do because she’s too scared to say no.
#5 She doesn’t take compliments well. You can give her the best compliments that are out there but she just blushes and rejects them. Someone who loves themselves will take the compliment and thank you for it. But she doesn’t believe what you’re saying.
#6 They’re obsessed with your success. Because they’re insecure, they’re not going to push themselves forward. But they will focus on making sure you push yourself forward. Now, this support isn’t bad, but they do this because they’re scared of their own success. They would go one million miles for you, but they never do anything for themselves.