7 Types Of Dating Profiles You Should NEVER Swipe Right On
Jun 16, 2020

1. Shirtless bathroom mirror selfies
2. All of their photos are selfies
Having lots and lots of selfies on his dating profile begs the question: Does this person have any friends at all? If he did, wouldn't said friends have photographically captured this person in the normal course of social activities? Also, it shows a lack of commitment and effort toward finding a serious relationship, because anyone can snap a quick photo of oneself and post it immediately.
3. The dreaded duck face
Does anyone walk around in normal life pouting her lips? If so, beware of that gal. Tell me what is natural about a duckface. Oh, nothing. Then why do it when trying to show your most natural self to your potential significant other? Remember, it's all about your authentic self, people!
4. No photos at all
What are they hiding? Their married status, perhaps? Do they hate their looks so much that they're embarrassed to show themselves to others? Are they some kind of creepy stalker that doesn't want the police knowing what they look like after they kidnap you? All these are valid questions to ask about profiles that fail to include any pictures at all.
5. A super love-plicit profile
Not that there's anything wrong with healthy sex between consenting adults. But must you lead with it when first getting to know someone? People who ask or share TMI up front are probably only interested in dating you for that reason. Don't waste your time responding if it makes you feel icky to be used for love.
6. Clearly lying about their age
While it's hard to tell who's being exactly honest about their age, some pictures are just bald-faced lies. Who on earth pretends to be younger than they are? Liars, that's who.
7. Tons of obvious typos
Really, ladies? Do I need to explain why this is going to get you, at the most, a one-night stand? If a guy is posting this on his profile, more often than not, his priorities are shallow (i.e., looks, body type, and sexual innuendo). Chances are, he's not really interested in getting to know much about you beyond those things, which means he's probably also not interested in an emotional and spiritual long-term relationship with you (or anyone).
Not to say we don't all make the occasional mistake when we type, but if someone's bio is so riddled with spelling and grammar errors that it's hard to glean what he was trying to relate about himself, you might wonder what else he'll be careless about when it comes to being in a romantic relationship with you.