4 Things Online Dating Sites Don’t Want You To Know
Jun 16, 2020

Here are all the secrets.
There are a few things that online dating sites don’t want you to know — if you did, you might be a little too successful and impact their revenue.
For the most part, these sites make dating incredibly efficient, more so than trying to meet people at a bar, through friends, or at work.
However, it’s good to remember they're in it to make money. While they offer you the incredible opportunity to start a new relationship, they don’t want you to leave their site before they’ve had a chance to make their marketing dollars back and get profit.
1. You’re in a competition.
Online dating is just like the real world — it can get kind of gritty. However, if you work with the tools available and keep a positive attitude, it's fun and rewarding. Every person in your zipcode on the same dating site with remotely similar interests is your competition. However, knowing this little fact sets you apart. Most of your competition won't know this, and won't put the effort in to get the most out of their experience. If you're dating all the "good" ones, your competition gets the leftovers.
2. Your photo matters more than your profile.
You’ve heard that people don’t read anymore — they’re impatient and don’t have the time.Dating sites make a big deal out of their questionnaires and algorithms and "secret sauce" they use to find you the perfect match. They have massive databases full of information about you — not just what you tell them — and programs that sort and rank potential dates. However, the only thing that’s proven to work is a portfolio of potential matches that meet at least a few of your search criteria.Neither you nor your potential dates want to spend time reading a million profiles. So, everyone simply scans for the photos that catch their eye, then drops in to skim the profile. In recognition of this, online dating companies don’t even give you an option to start by reviewing written profiles. The process always starts with a "search" and the results are page after page of profile photos. If your photo wasn’t important, you'd get page after page of descriptions of personalities.
3. You're marketing yourself to others.
Your photos and profile are a marketing exercise with dramatic consequences — hence, the admonishment to keep a positive attitude. You want the best marketing material you can muster — written and visual. You can stay ahead of the competition by focusing on your marketing material and tweaking it often.In fact, one of the little secrets is that most dating sites rank profiles higher that show more activity. It's just like Google, but for dating. Profiles will high activity and engagement move to the first page, top left. That is the ideal position to be in, and everyone who hits that page will scan your photo first and start comparing every other photo to you.
4. New technology is a distraction.
The online dating industry constantly chooses not to give their subscribers the fundamentals to help them succeed. Instead, they focus on the next big tech, like "swipes," or "likes." Soon, there'll be videos and whatever else they can think of to spark some activity and get people communicating. They never offer ways to help subscribers with their core issue: Creating compelling profiles that get the right attention. Don’t waste your time with these gimmicks. If there's someone online you find interesting, message them and mention something from their profile that caught your attention. This doesn't mean messaging someone, "I think you’re hot!" There are a number of great conversation starters you can check out to get things going in the right direction. You’ve got to lead with something that gets people's attention and makes them want to connect with you.