Research reveals, women have brains more active than men

If you too have kept that orthodox thinking in your mind so far that the understanding of women and their mind is less than that of men, then look at this research and change your mind and update ... recently In this study done in women, it is said that the brains of women are more active than men especially in the areas of focus, charge control, emotion and stress. This has been revealed in a study in which imaging of 46,034 brains was studied. In this study, the brains of women were found to be more active in some areas than men.
Have a Look at the Research Process and Conclusions
The study found that women's brains were found to be more active than men, especially in the areas of emotion control, attention, emotionality, emotion and tension, whereas men had more visual and coordination centers of the brain.
SPECT (single photo emission computed tomography) can measure brain blood flow. The study included 119 healthy people and various 26,683 patients with brain trauma, bipolar disorder, mood disorders, schizophrenia / psychosis. A total of 128 brain regions were analyzed while performing concentration tasks for these subjects.
It is important to understand the differences found in this study because brain disorders affect men and women differently. Significantly higher rates of Alzheimer's disease, depression, and stress disorder were seen in women, while higher rates of ADHD and behavioral problems were seen in men.
The study found that due to the increased prefrontal cortex blood flow in women, they exhibit greater strength in areas of empathy, intuition, self-control, cooperation, and anxiety.
The study found that an increase in blood flow in the prefrontal cortex of women's brains results in greater anxiety, depression, insomnia, and an imbalance of diet.