This is How You Flirt While Chatting With a Girl
Jun 17, 2020

In today's time, texting has become so popular that it cannot be imagined. Many things happen in the world of texting. Over time, the method of texting has also reached the combination of voice, video, emoticon and world with simple SMS. In today's time it has become more interesting and funny than ever before. Currently, the latest applications such as WhatsApp and Messenger are providing us with the option of texting and communication on a large scale. Through this, today you can flirt with your friends so much, which could not be imagined even a decade ago. Through these applications, you can send plain text in different colors, some funny pictures, flirty one liner, your picture and any video of them. It is not that flirting is limited to only talkative boys. Even a shy boy can flirt easily through texting.
There are many ways you can flirt through texting. For this you can resort to humerus and flirty one liner. If you want some fun, then you can mix some funny pictures with text. If you are flirting through texting, then definitely show your creativity.
Make sure that your interaction with them is interesting. You have to maintain a balance between flirting and penetrating. If you ask them how your day was, it will not be interesting at all. They will not be interested in giving you information of their day.
Always keep your line short. Nobody would like to read a very large text. Keep your texting creeps and sharp. That means you write less and it means more. The best would be to put a hummer in every other line.
Ask questions
Ask them funny questions. The time of your conversation will be determined by how interesting you talk to them. Ask them if you know about such and such party this weekend? Or did you watch such and such a movie? Et cetera. This will keep interest in the conversation.
Be in the realm
If you are flirting while texting, stay in the slightest range. Do not do this so that you send flirty lines one after the other. You have to balance the flirty line along with other things in the conversation. One advantage is that it will also send more and more text.
When someone teases girls in a flirty and humorous way, they love it. But yes, once again you will need to be within a little scope. Lest you tease them more and all the fun is left behind.
Picture and Video
Be naughty
When the conversation starts moving forward, you get a little mischievous and bold about flirting. You can ask them what are you wearing or are you bored in bathing alone?