Tips and Tricks of Flirting Online!! Know Them
Jun 21, 2020

Tease gently.
Because you can't use body language to communicate over text or chat, you'll have to rely on your words to keep the mood light and fun. Rely on inside jokes (based on events you were both presents for), sarcasm ("Yeah, I'm SURE you look like an ogre in the morning ;)"), and exaggeration ("You're probably a million times better at this than I am") in the beginning. Make it clear that you're kidding. The drawback of using text to communicate is that you can't always read the emotion behind the words. If you're going to flirt with someone by teasing them, make extra sure that you're implying it's a joke. You can use winking smiley faces, all caps, or exclamation points to communicate this. Just don't overdo it with the emoticons or it'll begin to feel corny for the other person.- If you've already sent something that could be interpreted the wrong way, make your meaning crystal clear. Say something like "(joke)" or "jk" to make a quick save.
Always leave your crush wanting more.
As much as you might want to text this person forever, it's best to bow out before the conversation goes stale (as all conversations are bound to do at some point). The best way to avoid an awkward pause is to leave before one happens. Ending the conversation on a good note will lead your conversational partner to look forward to the next time you can chat.- Set up your next interaction before you go. Throw out something like "Hey, so I'll see you around tomorrow?" or "I'll talk to you soon."
- If you're chatting online, note that you enjoyed the conversation just before you leave. It doesn't have to be complicated — a simple "This was awesome" or "I had a good time talking to you" is enough. If you're texting, you can be a bit more casual about it.
- Be careful not to over-compliment your crush. Your compliments will have a lot less meaning if you bestow them for every single positive trait the person has. Instead, reserve them for meaningful things that are important to the person, such as complimenting a skill they take pride in.
- Flirting can help you meet new people, feel more comfortable, and learn to mingle. You don't need to put any pressure on yourself to make it mean something or to be perfect.