Is He Trying to Flirt? Look For These Signs
Jun 18, 2020

1. Appreciate and Support you
If a boy in the office or college repeatedly supports your talk in front of others, praises you for things done or other issues, then understand that he is doing something special for you, which he should tell indirectly Is wanting you.
2. Try to keep you happy (Try to Keep you Happy)
If someone gets upset with your sadness and finds new ways to make you happy, a smile on your face, makes funny things and faces to make you laugh and get angry, then understand that he is interested in you keeps.
3. Smile always looking at you
If a guy always smiles at you, he tries to make you laugh while talking to you, gives a compliment to your smile, then it means that he is interested in talking to you.
4. Try to Impress
If a boy or a student praises you again and again, trying to know about the people associated with you, helping to overcome the problems related to the family, then understand that he feels special for you.
5. Invite for a Date or Dinner
If a friend or a kulig calls you for a date or dinner, then understand that he is going to speak something special to you, because most of the boys like to speak their heart out on a date or lunch or dinner alone.