Why Breakups happens? Here are few Reasons

Research suggests that there are several reasons behind the breakup after love. In his study, Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld found that if a relationship has been for five years, the probability of a breakup is only 20 percent, but now there are many couples who are in the relationship for five to six years. Even after living, they break up. Yes, it is definitely that there is definitely a possibility of a breakup within one or two years of the relationship.
Easy to fall in love
Love at first sight, fall in love with the sight and fill sighs, all these may sound bookish but are hundred percent true. Love brings hormonal changes in the body and a special person starts to feel good and lovely. Heart gets desperate to spend time with him and get a glimpse of him.
It is difficult to maintain a relationship
The easier it is to be in love, the more difficult it is to maintain this delicate relationship of love. It is not easy to be ready for each other, to understand each other's feelings, to live together in times of sorrow and to stand as a strong support in economic matters. Especially in today's time, when life is running away and left behind. This is the reason why the trend of breakup is increasing and when it happens, life seems stuck in the mess.
First-year brings challenge
The first year of a relationship brings with it many challenges. During this time the chances of breakup are very high. Actually two people are busy adjusting with each other in the first year. The first year of any relationship consists of three stages - projection, infatuation and power struggle. In the beginning you do not see things in their true form. You can see what you want to see in your partner. In the next stage you start recognizing the reality and your fascination begins to break.
Relationships break up at certain times
Do you know that many couples breakup much during Christmas and Valentine's Day? A study has shown that breakups occur more on specific days because people are more than their partners at that time and when the other is unable to meet those expectations, it is natural to have a breakup.