Wondering Why You Broke Up? Here are Few Reasons

Reality is visible
One year after falling in love, things really come to light. You have spent so much time with your partner that you are not always affected by him and his habits. This time is very critical because you start seeing the real character of the person. Either you will be very much attracted to your partner or will be away.
Different thinking
Many times, after coming close in a relationship, one feels that their thinking is different and the outlook to live and see life is also different. It is only after realizing that both people try to understand each other, but their separate thinking does not keep them tied for long and their breakup is bound to happen.
Lack of equality
Sometimes it happens that there is no sense of equality in a relationship. That is to say, if one partner dominates himself or another, then obviously it is not digested by the other. In such a situation, it is bound to be irritating and run away from the relationship. This is one of the important reasons for the breakup.
Weasel out
In the first few days, no one likes to care about each other and take up responsibilities. As the relationship progresses slowly, expectations and responsibilities towards each other also increase. In such a situation, if a partner starts running away from the responsibilities then it will prick most people. This prick slowly begins to create anger and isolation.
Passion out
After a year, the excitement of a new relationship starts to wane. Both partners relax and are tired of showing their best. In the beginning, where the relationship consists of laughing - blossoming and challenging each other, where gradually this enthusiasm starts to decrease. The love between them also starts diminishing, which is the beginning of Passion's end in romance.