How to manage the pain Of Breakup? Read to Know

Understand both sides
It is very easy to keep your point up, prove yourself right and keep finding the fault of your X. It is not easy that you understand his side as well. It is possible that the spectacle with which you are trying to see everything is not correct. He may also have a vision of his own, he may also have a thinking, which does not suit you. It is almost impossible that you are a hundred percent right and that hundred percent wrong.
Talk calmly
When the relationship is bitter, you start talking in a loud voice. You think that everyone will listen to you by speaking fast, angry. Your thinking is wrong. Any problem should be negotiated in peace. A calm atmosphere will give both of you as well as the people around you a chance to understand and explain the situation.
Ask friends
Breakup is happening, so why face it alone! Why be alone unhappy! You need your loved ones at this time. Go to friends, spend time with them, seek their help to overcome this misery. A true and good friend can rescue you from all kinds of grief.
Get help from therapist
The help of friends is also not working, it means that you are deeply hurt. These days there are therapists in every hospital who listen to you emotionally and help you. Whether it is through help or through medicines. Breakup is such a misery that it is not easy to overcome but it can be overcome through some efforts.