When a Boy Crosses a Girl, Such are the Thoughts That Crosses her Mind !!

It is usually seen that boys comment or talk to each other about girls when they pass by, but do you know that girls also feel upset when they pass by a handsome boy Yes, it is true that girls also experience something different when they pass by boys and just as boys think many things about a girl, in the same way girls also think of boys.
Just as the eyes of the boys first go on the face of the girl, similarly the focus of the girls first on the boys' looks. First of all, looking at the boys, girls think that it looks fine or how good its personality is or whether it is very handsome.
Wish I had a Boyfriend
When passing through a handsome boy, the girls are filled with frustration and desire sometimes that they wish that their boyfriend would have done it or they would have been loved by a handsome boy. This idea usually comes in every girl's mind.
To compare
Girls often start comparing a good boy with their boyfriend. She wonders whether the boy is more handsome than his boyfriend or better than him in anything. Girls have a habit that they start comparing their boyfriends to others on everything and this idea comes in their mind seeing every handsome and good boy.
Boys think that only they look at a girl and they sigh and comment but this is not the case. Today's girls are very fast-paced and they also look at a handsome boy and get up to talk to him.
She Gets Flattered
If the handsome boy passing by turns out to be his classmate or acquaintance, she starts looking for excuses to talk to him and then gets excited to learn about his single status.
Girls also slip easily on handsome boys. When passing by any handsome or good boy, many kinds of thoughts and things start to arise in the minds of girls and we have already told you what they are. If you have any more questions in your mind, please write to us by writing in the comment box below.