For These Reasons Girls Do Not Take The Initiative In Love First!

Love is the best feeling of this world. It is such a mixer of many experiences that makes us very happy, sometimes sad. Sometimes he confuses, sometimes he is confident. Sometimes silent, sometimes wordless! This is not the case. All the experiences of the world have been made until now, after falling in love, you can feel it.
See where there are no problems, even in love, then love is as clean and truthful as it keeps us away from troubles.
It's a Game Of Feelings
Everyone says that you should love the person who loves you very much, many of you will agree with this. But my theory says something different. It is not necessary that the person you love should love you or that he should love you. If you like someone, it is a good thing, now you will not love seeing it or not, if the person in front loves me, then I also fell in love. Love can happen to anyone, maybe you like it more than anyone who does not look at you. So it is all a game of feelings.
Things Changes With Time
They say that my feelings can never change for you. There is nothing like this, the feel varies with time. Sometimes there are some fluctuations, sometimes very few, in this love. Well, one important thing in all this is that you have to tell him that you love him. So unless you do not tell your point, you will not ask him, the answer will be 'no'.
I want you to take the initiative
The main reason for girls not to grow in love earlier is that they want you to go and ask them first. Statistics based on the survey and many research also show that girls like it more than boys that the person in front asks them for some work. Whatever it may be, whether you are expressing your love, or asking your girlfriend for a date, or something. You can also say that it is often the nature of girls.
This society and its customs
It has been going on since ancient times that a man has been asking a woman about their needs. Then it was in the duty of men to always ask women, women did not have enough freedom to go and express their love to a man. Indian women were always taught to be silent. Today, no matter how independent a woman has become, but in terms of love and relationship, many girls still do not speak due to society and custom. This is also one of the important reasons that girls do not do.
Fear of rejections
How will you feel if you go to propose someone whom you love and after collecting great courage, get a rejection in return. The same thing applies to both, whether it is a boy or a girl, but the fear of rejections is more in girls than boys. For this reason many girls are unable to take initiative by themselves. It is very difficult for girls to overcome the misery of rejections.