5 Pro Flirting Tips to Impress Any Girl
Jun 19, 2020

In simple words, flirting means showing someone that you are attracted to it. If you are ready to flirt with someone, it means that you like her very much and your attraction is very intense for them! In starting flirting, there is first concern, but do not panic - it is common to be nervous in front of the one you like in "truth", but there are many ways to flirt with someone with confidence. Whether you are flirting in text, online or in person, you need to strike a rapport between expressing your feelings, and letting the other person be in doubt about them. If you want to know how to flirt or if you need help in knowing someone, then this article will give you this connected opinion.
Make eye contact: When you start trying to flirt, then making eye contact is the easiest and best. You can look deeply into the person's eyes, but remove the eye from time to time, otherwise the matter may be serious. Do it something like this:
- Be caught while watching. Do not stare at him, but keep an eye on every once in a while. Keep doing this until he catches you doing this. Keep watching for a moment, smile and turn a glance.
- When you are talking to him, look in his eyes, especially on the main occasions of conversation (like when you are giving him supplements).
- Wink to see your crush or lightly raise your eyebrows. Although it sounds a bit cheesy, if you do it accordingly, it will be right. Do this when you are in a room and looking at that person, or when you are talking together in a group and you only have to say something to him.
- Girls can also look at boys, tilt the eyelids, and then look at them with bent eyelids.
2. Smile: When you talk to someone you like, you will smile on your own, but many times you can take advantage of your grin before the talk starts. You can smile even when you pass by him in the hall, or stand across the room. You don't have to give a big grin, that's all. A small grin will work. Try to do this:- Smile gently If you are looking at someone, but you are not talking, instead of laughing out loud, let the smile slowly spread on your face. Light, slow grin is often considered sexy.
- Smile every time you contact the eye. If you are looking into someone's eyes for more effect, then suddenly smile. (If it is a real grin, the person will get a sense of it without looking at your mouth - it makes your eyes shrink and it is also called Duchenne smile).
- Instead of your mouth, try to smile with your eyes. When you smile, your entire face should glow.
3. Talk: Introduce yourself - or let the dilemma persist (Optional. If you don't already know what you're trying to flirt with, an introduction (even without that) is a good way to start flirting. Anything pic you Press your desire to start talking from the line. By simply saying "Hi", your introduction or a simple question leaves more impact.- If your crush does not even know your name and you are a popular person, then introduce yourself at any moment. You can say, "Hi, I am [name]." and you.....? Make sure that you understand that person's name. To remember her name, repeat it once more after telling her (eg "Rita, I like this name very much").
- Or, if you are taking it as a challenge, then keep your identity secret for a while. If she really wants to know, she will ask or pressurize you to tell.
4. Start a conversation: Whether you know a person or not, the conversation is the easiest way to pursue flirtation. The person you are flirting with will be impressed by your courage and confidence. These are some guidelines:- Talk to someone you don't already know. The easiest way to start a conversation is to say something that ends with the question: "I can't believe it rained so much this week" or "This place is overcrowded, isn't it?" What you say is not important - you are simply inviting that person to talk to you.
- Choose a common topic to talk about with someone you know. If you have met him before then talk about any common interest or experience between the two of you. For example, if you are taking a class together, or you can talk about the train you both take for work. Again, the subject is not important - it is important that you are inviting him to talk to you.
- Understand the answer. If the other person responds to the matter with love, then only move the matter forward. If he does not answer or seems confused, then perhaps he is not interested in flirting with you.
5. Talk lightly: When starting a conversation, do not talk too much privately. Talk about an environment around you, or if you've seen a show. If that person shows interest in debating topics with you without being disturbed, then if not right then do not bring personal information (religion, money, relationships, studies etc.) in between. Generally, stay away from issues that you are personally associated with (such as your or his religion) and talk about topics in which both of you are not privately involved.- It is easy to flirt when you are talking on light topics such as pets, reality television, or your favorite vacation spots. This does not mean that you should look stupid for flirting, but it means that you should not discuss deep things.
- Laugh funny Laughing jokingly means not making the matter more serious, never jokingly tapping your crush, or suddenly talking about something different. It also means do not put too much pressure on yourself during the conversation.