Best Psychological Facts About Girls
Jun 22, 2020

- When it comes to remembering faces, women outnumber men!
- Women are better Multi Tasker than men !
- Most women express their pain and anger in silence!
- Most women are not good at reading maps.
- Most women are good at remembering colors (most men only know 4-6 colors).
- Women feel pain more often than men, but their tolerance is better than men .
- Women spend more time than men to fix things than men. Once this is done, they cling to it.
- Most women are more talkative than men.
- Most women think emotionally, while men think logically .
- Women do not want honest answers all the time. Sometimes, they just need to be a little pampered and confident.
- Women often do not adopt a direct approach to confrontation, whereas men do the opposite.
- Women are better than men for reading facial expressions.
- Women are more comfortable than men .
- love is often emotional for women and physical for men !
- Women see more colors .
- Women drink more water than men .
- Women spend about a year of their life deciding what to wear.
- Women speak about 20,000 words a day . This is 13,000 more than the average man.
- Small female drivers sitting close to the steering wheel are the most likely to be killed by airbags.
- Women cry on an average 30 to 64 times a year while men cry 6 to 17 times .
- More than 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.
- One study has found that younger women have fewer pregnancies.
- The smell of women's tears will reduce men's sexual arousal and testosterone levels.
- Women who play video games have more love and are happier with their relationships than those who do not.