Why is Engagement Ring Worn in the Opposite Hand? Learn the Real Reason
Jun 23, 2020

Engagement is considered the seal of the relationship before marriage. In this, boys and girls wear rings to each other and at the same time gifts are also given by both the families. During the engagement, the ring is worn on the third finger of the inverted hand called the ring finger. But do you know that there is a special reason behind wearing the ring on this hand and finger?

Direct connection to the heart
The custom of wearing the ring in the ring finger of the left hand is being followed since Roman times. The Romans believed that the finger of this finger is directly connected to the heart. In such a situation, if the ring is worn on it, then there is a direct connection to the partner also from the heart. This vein is called 'vein of love'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCFtphuzlRoForever love
There is also a belief behind this custom that since the Wayne of Love is connected to the heart, the relationship becomes more strongly connected. It represents Forever Love, the love that will last forever.
However, many people believe that this custom was made due to convenience. Most people in the world are right-handed. In this case, wearing a ring in the left hand is easier. This does not create any bottleneck and at the same time reduces the possibility of damage to the ring.
This custom is not followed everywhere
However, in many places, this custom is not followed. There are many cultures where engagement or wedding rings are worn directly in the hand. This is because the word 'left' is associated with 'sin', due to which it is considered a bad omen to put the ring in the opposite hand.